Wednesday, October 29, 2008





Tuesday, October 28, 2008




老实说,不知道是我好运或运气差。工作多年,也换了多份工。几乎每间公司都搬迁。往好的方面想。哗!有新办公室,不错嘛!如果往坏的方面想,又是那烦死人,又累,又费时,又。。。 总之就是吃力不讨好的苦差。


Monday, October 27, 2008



最近很忙,忙读书。好久没读书,考试了。我想......大概有十多年了吧!现在还要半工半读的,都快熬出黑眼珠圈了。 整天眼肿肿的,好残啊!似乎老了几年。


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Staff turnover

I've not maintaining this blog for more than 2 months, struggling for my "Master Project Paper". Applied long leave (7 uninterrupted working days) but doing paper and look after kids at home.

Getting know that one of my staff resigned again. Really not easy to become "head". I've managed to get things done properly, and settled most of the "issues" left by previous staff. But now, I am having resources problem.

When you never be in the position, you won't "feel" or "realise" there is also challenges as a head of unit/department. We all aim to get higher paid and higher position, meanwhile we need to get ready to face all these challenges.

Meeting with Informatics friends

Soong called me on last Friday and we decided to have gathering with our old friends from Informatics college.
I can even recall when we last met? what I can say is ... should be more than 3 years we never meet each others. Since I've just completed my "Master Paper" (anyway, not final yet. Still got 1 more paper than... he he he... I will get my Master qualification). I will be free for about 2 to 3 months - waiting for result. So, I call one-by-one and finally, and finally I manage to get Sunny and Joseph to join us. Not bad! last minutes call still can get hold of them. But unfortunately, others contact has changed and we can't managed to get them joining us.
Well, we have a nice chat on Saturday, 4th October. After that, we went for our lunch. I've used my mobile phone to take our photo, but it's blur. Hmm... will ask Sunny to send me our photo, since he has brought his camera and took our photo.
Ever since we all are working and have our own family, we are busy, busy and busy. I really enjoy meeting my old friends. Well, since I am "rest" for few months (not study). I will online and surf "facebook" to look for more and more old friends. Then, call for gathering again.